2007年06月07日 蘋果日報  

G8峰會 美拒談規範溫室氣體

【蔡文英╱綜合外電報導】八大工業國(Group of Eight, G8)元首高峰會,昨起在德國波羅的海度假勝地海利根達姆登場,地主國啟動自二戰後最大規模保安行動,派出1萬6千名警力嚴加戒備。大會主席德總理莫克希望本次會議能就遏阻全球暖化有所進展,但美官員會前表示,本次不會就削減溫室氣體排放達成任何確切目標。


莫克(Angela Merkel)昨在晚間大會登場之前,先與美國總統布希( George W. Bush)會面,期望化解雙方就溫室氣體排放量的歧見。布希表示,他支持自己提出的新國際抗暖化提案,即美國和其他高排放量國家在明年底之前會商,制定出新的長期削減廢氣排放量策略。一個半小時會談後,莫克也對此次峰會能就氣候變遷主要問題可能有所進展,抱持樂觀態度。

Activists of international anti-globalization organization Oxfam costumed as G8 leaders, stand side by side with their long noses in the harbor of Rostock, Germany, Tuesday, June 5, 2007. The leaders of the G8 nations will be holding their annual summit in the historic Heiligendamm sea resort on June 6-8, 2007. (AP Photo/Jens Meyer)

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2007年06月04日 蘋果日報

憂暖化 英媒鉅資拍《地球》



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2007年05月04日 蘋果日報

暖化遺禍 毒藤增生

對喜歡養花蒔草的人而言,植物生長期延長是好事,但生物學者卻對此感到憂慮。不易散熱的二氧化碳增加,使溫暖地帶的毒藤(poison ivy),及會產生過敏原的豬草(ragweed)增生,而繁殖快速並吞沒掉林地的葛藤(kudzu)將朝北蔓延。 


Feeling Warmth, Subtropical Plants Move North 

ATLANTA, May 2 — Like a true belle, this city flounces into bloom when the weather turns, its redbuds, azaleas and forsythia emerging like so much lace on a bodice.

But in recent years, plants that thrive in even warmer weather have begun crashing the ball. At the Habersham Gardens nursery, where well-heeled homeowners choose their spring seedlings, a spiky-leafed, sultry coastal oleander has been thriving in a giant urn.

“We never expected it to come back every year,” said Cheryl Aldrich, the assistant manager, guiding a visitor on a tour of plants that would once have needed coddling to survive here: eucalyptus, angel trumpets, the Froot Loop-hued Miss Huff lantana. “We’ve been able to overwinter plants you didn’t have a prayer with before.”

...New York Times

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2007年05月04日 蘋果日報

中國向錢看 拒阻止暖化

【張翠蘭╱綜合外電報導】聯合國「氣候變遷跨政府小組」在泰國首都曼谷召開的第26期會議,經過將近一周的激烈討論後,今天將發表報告,逾130國、約2500名科學家代表昨仍在研修對抗全球暖化的各項措施,關鍵在於控制溫室氣體二氧化碳排放的代價,可能必須犧牲全球各國國內生產毛額(Gross Domestic Product, GDP)的0.2%至3.0%,但中國立場強硬,指絕不可能為阻止暖化放棄發展經濟,與歐盟歧見頗深。

氣候變遷跨政府小組(Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change,簡稱IPCC),今天將發表今年規劃4份報告中的第3份,總結報告將於11月12至16日在西班牙舉行的第27期會議提出。有別於前兩份報告提出氣候變遷的證據及警訊,此最新報告著重在建議應採取的對策。
根據國際通訊社事先取得的報告草稿,目前大氣層中的二氧化碳濃度逼近400ppm(parts per million,百萬分之一),並持續快速增加中。 


世界自然保育基金會的全球氣候變化計劃主任福爾默(Hans Verolme)昨指出,下月在德國召開的八大工業國(G8)高峰會,對於全球領袖是否能證明G8具有對抗全球暖化的決心,將是一大考驗。

Global Warming Can Be Kept in Check, UN Panel Says (Update3)
By Alex Morales


May 4 (Bloomberg) -- Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere can be kept at levels that avoid the worst ravages of global warming by using available technologies and strategies, a United Nations panel said.

Keeping concentrations of gases at levels similar to those in the air today will cost less than 3 percent of world economic output by 2030, the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change said today in its third report of the year.

``We can go a long way to addressing this problem at relatively low costs with a range of options across a lot of sectors,'' Pete Smith, professor of global change at Aberdeen University in Scotland and a lead author of the study, said in an interview in Bangkok. ``We've got a big problem on our hands and this report provides governments with a way out.''

In two earlier reports this year, the panel, or IPCC, has said global warming is very likely caused by human activities including the release of gases from burning fossil fuels, and that rising temperatures will cause increased floods, droughts and extinctions of species. The panel's work is designed to feed into government policy on tackling climate change.

Today's document, debated line-by-line by government envoys from more than 120 nations meeting in Bangkok, was handed to reporters before a press conference today.

`Step Forward'

Rajendra Pachauri, chairman of the IPCC, told reporters in Bangkok the study is a ``remarkable step forward'' from the panel's last review of climate change, in 2001.

The report says that stabilization of greenhouse gases can be achieved by changing the energy mix used around the world, introducing more fuel-efficient vehicles and appliances, improving home insulation and changing the way agricultural land is managed. Individuals can also change their lifestyles.

``An extremely powerful message in this report is the need for human society as a whole to start looking at changes in lifestyles and consumption patterns,'' Pachauri said, adding that people could take simple measures such as turning down the central heating and putting on a cardigan.

``This report highlights the importance of deploying a portfolio of clean energy technologies, consistent with our approach,'' Harlan Watson, head of the U.S. delegation, said in a statement.

Carbon Trading

Another tool available to government is carbon trading, according to the report. Establishing a price equal to $50 per ton of carbon dioxide could reduce emissions by more than half and a price of $100 could achieve a 63 percent cut, because of the incentives to develop cleaner energy sources, it said.

Under carbon trading, companies are set emission targets. If they undershoot those targets they're able to sell credits to other businesses that are unable to meet their targets.

Emissions of carbon dioxide, the most important greenhouse gas, are projected to rise by as much as 110 percent by 2030 if no action is taken to minimize them, the panel said. Scientists have linked the gas, produced by burning fossil fuels, to climate change. Higher emissions lead to higher temperatures, they say.

``If we continue to do what we are doing, then we are in deep trouble,'' said Ogunlade Davidson, co-chair of the working group that produced the report.

Atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases are about 425 parts per million (ppm) and rising. Stabilizing greenhouse gases at 445 ppm may hold increases in global temperature since industrialization at 2 degrees Celsius, according to the report. That's the level beyond which the European Union has said the effects may become dangerous and irreversible. Global average temperatures have risen 0.76 of a degree already.

Emissions Peak

To achieve stabilization at that level, emissions must peak by 2015 and then decline by 50 percent to 85 percent by 2050, the panel said, adding that it will shave under 0.12 of a percentage point of world growth a year, leading to a cumulative cost of less than 3 percent of output by 2030.

The cost is a bargain compared with the cost of inaction, said Hans Verolme, head of the World Wildlife Fund's climate change campaign. A U.K. government report last year said that failure to take action to stave off climate change would cost the world 5 percent to 20 percent of GDP.

``We can keep the climate safe and we can do that with currently available technologies at a cost that is almost negligible,'' Verolme said in an interview in Bangkok. ``We don't need to wait for a silver bullet.''

Kyoto Protocol

The cost of stabilizing atmospheric greenhouse gases at between 535 and 590 ppm would be about 0.6 percent of world output, and at 590 to 710 ppm, the cost would be 0.2 percent, according to the panel. Those concentrations equate to temperature gains of as much as 3.2 and 4.0 degrees Celsius.

At present, 35 countries and the European Union are bound by the Kyoto Protocol, which requires them to cut emissions of greenhouse gases by a combined 5 percent by 2012, when its provisions end. The U.S. rejected the treaty in 2001, and developing nations such as China aren't assigned targets.

Today's report can now be used by governments when they meet in Bali, Indonesia, in December to discuss climate change and a potential successor to the Kyoto Protocol.

``The science that the IPCC has been able to assess will have a direct impact, and we hope a profound influence'' on the talks, Pachauri said. ``It's probably naive to believe that merely to develop the technologies in laboratories and workshops will be the answer, unless there is a package of policies and unless there are market forces.''

Last Updated: May 4, 2007 06:40 EDT

Bloomberg News

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2007年04月21日 蘋果日報

雪梨熄燈 省電逾1成




 Earthday Network Homepage

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2007年04月10日 蘋果日報

二氧化碳排放 台灣過量




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2007年04月10日 蘋果日報

台灣海岸植物 北遷70公里
疑全球暖化所致 專家恐亂生態



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2007年04月02日 蘋果日報

暖化毀珊瑚礁 毒藻成殺手
年有五萬人吃魚中雪茄毒 專家:影響地區正增加



美國麻州海洋學家安德森(Donald M. Anderson)說:「就全球而論,目前海鮮類食物因海藻毒素所引發的問題,比20、30年前高出甚多。不光是毒素增加,有毒海藻種類增加,全球受影響的區域也在增加之列。」 

事實上,聯合國氣候變遷跨政府小組(Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change,簡稱IPCC)今起召集各國代表和科學家,針對暖化危機將如何影響全球,以及人類應該採取何種避免措施的報告討論修改。周五最終報告即將出爐,而根據美聯社提早取得的內容顯示,科學家預測,全球暖化將嚴重破壞海洋生態系統,而海洋也因二氧化碳而酸化,威脅珊瑚礁、浮游生物和經濟魚類等生物。
科學家甚至形容,這份預測報告指出了「通往滅絕的高速公路」,不過,哈佛大學海洋生物學教授麥卡錫(James McCarthy)樂觀地說:「最糟狀況將不會發生,我們不至於那麼愚蠢。」 

5.人類食用大魚後雪茄毒中毒 ,出現包括口手麻痺、無法言語、嘔吐等症狀。



Odd Global Warming Threat: Toxic Seafood
By Michael Casey, Associated Press
02 April 2007


ILOILO, Philippines (AP) -- Bowls of piping hot barracuda soup were the much-anticipated treat when the Roa family gathered for a casual and relaxing Sunday meal.

Within hours, all six fell deathly ill. So did two dozen others from the same neighborhood. Some complained of body-wide numbness. Others had weakness in their legs. Several couldn't speak or even open their mouths.

"I was scared. I really thought I was going to die,'' said Dabby Roa, 21, a student who suffered numbness in his head, tingling in his hands and had trouble breathing.

What Roa and the others suffered that night last August was ciguatera poisoning, a rarely fatal but growing menace from eating exotic fish. All had bought portions of the same barracuda from a local vendor.

Experts estimate that up to 50,000 people worldwide suffer ciguatera poisoning each year, with more than 90 percent of cases unreported. Scientists say the risks are getting worse, because of damage that pollution and global warming are inflicting on the coral reefs where many fish species feed.

Dozens of popular fish types, including grouper and barracuda, live near reefs. They accumulate the toxic chemical in their bodies from eating smaller fish that graze on the poisonous algae. When oceans are warmed by the greenhouse effect and fouled by toxic runoff, coral reefs are damaged and poison algae thrives, scientists say.

"Worldwide, we have a much bigger problem with toxins from algae in seafood than we had 20 or 30 years ago,'' said Donald M. Anderson, director of the Coastal Ocean Institute at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in Massachusetts.

"We have more toxins, more species of algae producing the toxins and more areas affected around the world,'' he said.

Although risk of ciguatera has soared recently, the phenomenon is ancient. Fish poisoning shows up in Homer's Odyssey. Alexander the Great forbade his armies to eat fish for fear of being stricken, according to University of Hawaii professor Yoshitsugi Hokama.

Capt. James Cook and his crew probably suffered ciguatera poisoning in 1774 after eating fish near Vanuatu in the South Pacific, according to crew journals and correspondence studied by Dr. Michael Doherty of the Swedish Epilepsy Center in Seattle, writing in the scientific review Neurology. Cook recorded that they "were seized with an extraordinary weakness in all our limbs attended with a numbness or sensation like ... that ... caused by exposing one's hands or feet to a fire after having been pinched much by frost.''

Ciguatera has long been known in the South Pacific, the Caribbean and warmer areas of the Indian Ocean. Some South Pacific islanders use dogs to test fish before they eat.

But in the past decade, it has spread through Asia, Europe and the United States, where more restaurants are serving reef fish, prized for their fresh taste and exotic cachet.

In the United States, ciguatera poisonings are most frequent in Florida, Texas and Hawaii, which has seen a fivefold increase since the 1970s to more than 250 a year.

Hong Kong, which imports much of its seafood, went from fewer than 10 cases annually in the 1980s to a few hundred now.

Still, Hong Kong diners pay a premium for the risky fish. Rare species like the Napoleon wrasse fetch nearly $50 a pound. The fish are increasingly shipped live from Southeast Asia and as far away as the South Pacific, raising concerns from the World Conservation Union that many species, especially groupers, could be fished out of existence.

Professor Yvonne Sadovy, of the University of Hong Kong, predicted that high demand and cash-hungry fishermen mean that "ciguatoxic fish entering markets around the world is going to increase.''

Should global warming and pollution worsen and boost ciguatera poisonings, as most experts predict, health officials will face a daunting challenge.

Currently, there is no reliable way to detect whether a fish has ciguatera. The molecule is extremely complex and differs markedly from region to region.

There also is no antidote.

Furthermore, doctors are often ill-equipped to diagnose ciguatera, which has a range of symptoms and is sometimes misdiagnosed as chronic fatigue syndrome or other maladies.

Those challenges faced Dr. Edgar Portigo at Doctors General Hospital in Iloilo, about 265 miles southeast of Manila, when the Roa family and others arrived. The emergency room was filling with patients yelping in pain, vomiting, or, in the case of Dabby Roa, so paralyzed that he had to be carried in by a security guard.

"Normally, you have one or two emergency cases. Here we had 30 plus all at once,'' from ages 4 to 65, Portigo said.

At first, Portigo surmised the patients had heavy metal poisoning. But when he learned of the common thread -- the barracuda dinners -- he sent a sample of the fish to Manila for testing. It came back positive for ciguatera.

Portigo gave his patients intravenous drips and a diuretic to relieve their suffering. Most like Roa were released from the hospital in a week, he said, and fully recovered.

"Although this is quite rare, it can happen anytime,'' said Portigo, noting this was the first ciguatera outbreak in the city.

A relatively quick recovery is the norm, but some have lingering symptoms.

Dennis McGillicuddy, a 65-year-old retired cable television company owner from Sarasota, Fla., fell sick a few hours after eating a mutton snapper he caught off the coast of Bermuda in 2000. Within hours, his vomiting and diarrhea were so severe that he became delirious and was "reduced to crawling,'' he recalled.

The digestive symptoms lasted two weeks. After that, McGillicuddy became so sensitive to temperature extremes that it was hard to take a shower. Numbness in his extremities lasted for almost a year.

"I've never had anything like this,'' said McGillicuddy, who still occasionally feels tingling in his left arm. "You feel terrible all over your body.''

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration and others who monitor ciguatera say they are hampered by the lack of a reliable test. Bans on certain fish or "hot spots'' can help, but they often are impractical.

"It's very hard to manage,'' said professor Richard Lewis, of the University of Queensland in Australia, who has studied ciguatera. "Unless you don't eat the fish, you have a risk of getting ciguatera.''

Poorer countries often lack even rudimentary measures to protect consumers. Those precautions that do exist are undermined by government corruption or lack of enforcement.

Hong Kong has refused to enact mandatory measures to prevent ciguatera despite increased outbreaks. It argues that educating consumers and traders is the answer, rejecting calls to crack down on traders or ban fish from suspect areas.

"Given the fact we eat so much seafood in Hong Kong, this should be one of the priorities in protecting the population,'' Sadovy said. "I just hope we don't have to wait for someone to die before something is done.''

In Iloilo, fear has done what the Philippine government has not. Consumers stopped buying barracuda after the ciguatera outbreak. Vendors have switched to less risky varieties.

 2007年04月02日 蘋果日報

全球暖化 恐爆糧荒掀戰爭

全球暖化不但影響天候,威脅人身財產安全,聯合國氣候變遷跨政府小組(Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change,簡稱IPCC)最新報告甚至指出,全球60餘國正因為暖化造成的食物短缺、飲水不足面臨戰爭威脅,還警告包括中國、美國及部分歐洲國家也將因為氣候變遷陷入爭奪資源的衝突。

2080年,海平面上升將淹沒許多城市,每年造成1億人無家可歸。但人類真的對這許多危機束手無策?IPCC 5月的第3份報告將公開可能解決之道。

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2007年04月02日 蘋果日報

全球暖化 人類危機



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2007年04月01日 蘋果日報

節源抗暖化 雪梨熄燈



BBC News

Sydney in climate change blackout 
Saturday, 31 March 2007, 10:41 GMT 11:41 UK

Lights have been turned off across Australia's largest city, Sydney, in a hour-long event aimed at raising awareness of global warming.
 Sydney's famous skyline (top image) was shrouded in darkness

At 1930 (0930 GMT) the city's skyline dimmed and normally bright landmarks like the Opera House and the Harbour Bridge went dark.

The so-called Earth Hour is supported by the New South Wales government, environmental groups and businesses.

Sydney hopes the event will make a very big statement on climate change.

The city of four million people is aiming to become the first anywhere to achieve a blackout on this scale.

The BBC's Phil Mercer, in Sydney, says by and large Sydney had never been this dark.

He says lights were off in the majority of the central business district's office blocks and large parts of the suburbs were also in darkness.


Greg Bourne of environmental group WWF, one of the driving forces behind Earth Hour, said the big switch off took months to plan.

"The logistics is really quite amazing in the sense every tower block is owned by one company, maybe leased by another company, have 10 tenants in and a manager and working through all of these people has been fantastic."

Many restaurants signed up and planned to serve diners by candlelight.

The owner of the Newtown Hotel, which says it is Australia's oldest gay bar, told the BBC before the blackout that they would have fun while trying to send a serious message.

"Sometimes drag queens [female impersonators] do look better in the dark anyway," said Roger Zee.

"It's up to the patrons. They'll actually have their own torches so they'll be able to light up the drag queens on the stage themselves."

Organisers want to encourage Australians to conserve energy and to think carefully about what they can do to cut pollution.

Every day millions of lights and computers are left on in deserted office blocks as well as in apartments and houses.

Campaigners have said that simply switching them off could reduce Sydney's greenhouse gas emissions by 5% over the next year.

Australia is one of the world's largest per capita producers of carbon dioxide and other gases that many scientists believe are helping to warm the earth's atmosphere.

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 2007年03月28日 蘋果日報

全球暖化 極地氣候恐消失
專家預言 百年內部分物種將滅絕



這項發表於美國《國家科學院期刊》研究指稱,屆時亞馬遜、印尼雨林等多樣化生態寶地都將受到嚴重破壞,進而影響棲息其間、無法遷移到他處的物種。這些物種如果不能快速演化、適應環境,就只有滅絕一途。研究作者威廉斯教授(John Williams)說:「這將對於生態保育者形成真正困難。如自然環境改變且可能消失不見,你如何能保育整個體系的生態多樣性?」 




Climate change will increase extinction risk, especially in the tropics
Rhett A. Butler, mongabay.com
March 26, 2007

Many of the world's local climates could be radically changed if global warming trends continue, reports a new study published in the early online edition of the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The authors warn that current climates may shift and disappear, increasing the risk of biodiversity extinction and other ecological changes.

John ("Jack") Williams and John E. Kutzbach of the University of Wisconsin, Madison, together with Stephen T. Jackson of the University of Wyoming, used climate models and greenhouse gas emission scenarios from the recent assessment by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) to forecast differences between climate zones today and in the year 2100. They found that under both high and low emissions scenarios, many regions would experience biome-level changes, suggesting areas that may presently feature rainforest, tundra, or desert may no longer have the same type of vegetation in the year 2100 due to climate shifts.

"By the end of the 21st century, large portions of the Earth’s surface may experience climates not found at present, and some 20th-century climates may disappear," write the authors. "The combination of high CO2 concentrations, still-extensive ice sheets in Greenland and Antarctica, and current orbital and land–ocean configurations are geologically unprecedented." 


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2007年03月21日 蘋果日報

2025年 18億人缺水
聯國警告 長江等10大河瀕危


為提醒人類珍惜水資源,聯合國在1993年將3月22日訂為世界水資源日(World Water Day)。聯合國秘書長潘基文強調:「現有的水資源正因人口快速成長,加上缺乏用水規劃、水污染及浪費水資源等問題,面臨供水壓力。」聯合國糧農組織也警告,到2025年,包括中國跟印度在內,全球將有18億人口過著缺水生活。於是將今年的主題訂為「如何應付缺水危機」。 

世界自然保育基金會(World Wide Fund for Nature,簡稱WWF)全球淡水專案主任皮塔克警告,受到興建水壩、引水灌溉等工程影響,「現在的河流通常已經流不進大海,包括巴基斯坦的印度河、非洲的尼羅河等都是如此,數百萬人的生活面臨威脅」。河流是全球最主要的淡水來源,但人類在沒有計劃地使用下,已經消耗掉一半。


WWF Names World's Top 10 Rivers at Greatest Risk

GLAND, Switzerland, March 21, 2007 (ENS) ? Ten of world's largest rivers are drying up due to "the wanton waste of freshwater resources, poor governance, and a disregard for the needs of local people that frequently exacerbates poverty," finds a new report by the global conservation organization WWF. 

The report, "World's Top Rivers at Risk," released ahead of World Water Day on March 22, lists the top 10 rivers that are dying as a result of climate change, pollution and dams. 

Five of the 10 rivers listed in the report are in Asia. They are the Yangtze, Mekong, Salween, Ganges and Indus. 

Europe’s Danube, the Americas’ La Plata and Rio Grande-Rio Bravo, Africa’s Nile-Lake Victoria and Australia’s Murray-Darling also make the list. 

"All the rivers in the report symbolize the current freshwater crisis, which we have been signalling for years," says WWF Global Freshwater Programme Director Jamie Pittock. 

"Poor planning and inadequate protection of natural areas mean we can no longer assume that water will flow forever," Pittock said. "Like the climate change crisis, which now has the attention of business and government, we want leaders to take notice of the emergency facing freshwater now not later." 

The report summarizes the findings of eight wide-ranging and authoritative global assessments and identifies the threats mentioned with the greatest frequency - water infrastructure such as dams, over-extraction of water, climate change,invasive species, over-fishing, and pollution. 
The 10 rivers highlighted are either those that already suffer most under the weight of these threats or are bracing for the heaviest impacts. 

There are some rivers on the list that are so damaged that without serious restoration efforts they could be lost, and others that are relatively intact, but face massive degradation unless action is taken now to conserve them. 

Yangtze: Pollution.
The Yangtze River rises in the mountains of Qinghai Province on the Tibetan plateau, and fl ows 6,300 kilometers to the East China Sea, opening at Shanghai. Its catchment covers one-fifth of the land area in China. 

The Yangtze river basin accounts for 40 percent of China’s freshwater resources, more than 70 percent of the country’s rice production, 50 percent of its grain, more than 70 percent of fishery production, and 40 percent of the China’s GDP. 

The river is inhabited by 350 fish species, including the giant Yangtze sturgeon, of which 112 are found nowhere else. This basin is the sole habitat of the critically endangered Chinese Paddlefish, the endangered Finless Porpoise, and the now believed to be extinct Chinese River Dolphin, the most critically endangered cetacean in the world. The most threatened crocodilian species in the world, the Chinese Alligator, is only found in the lower reaches of the Yangtze. 

This basin is inhabited by the giant panda, the largest salamander in the world, Audrias davidianus, the critically endangered Siberian crane, and the once-extirpated Pere David’s deer now re-introduced from captive stock. 

Over the last 50 years, there has been a 73 percent increase in pollution levels from hundreds of cities, in the main stem of the Yangtze River, WWF reports. The annual discharge of sewage and industrial waste in the river has reached about 25 billion tons, which is 42 percent of the country’s total sewage discharge, and 45 percent of its total industrial discharge. 

The major pollutants in the Yangtze mainstem are suspended substances, oxidizing organic and inorganic compounds, and ammonia nitrogen. This has reduced drinking water quality and contributed to eutrophication, the process by which the excess nutrients stimulate excessive plant growth and decay. 

After 13 years of construction, the Three Gorges Dam is now built and will be fully operational in 2008. The Three Gorges Dam exacerbates water pollution by impounding waters, trapping sediment and increasing eutrophication. 

Efforts to reduce pollution in the Yangtze River have been slow but promising, WWF says. Community pressure has successfully increased local enforcement activities such as fi eld inspections and increased pollution fees. 

Mekong-Lancang: Over-fishing.
The Mekong river basin is the largest in Southeast Asia. Rising in the mountains of China’s Qinghai province near Tibet, it flows south. It forms the border between Laos and Myanmar, most of the border between Laos and Thailand, and moves across Cambodia and southern Vietnam into the South China Sea.

Unlike many major rivers in Asia, this river and its flood regime are relatively intact, and the lower Mekong basin is the most productive river fishery in the world. 

The basin is home to at least 1,200 fish species, the highest fish diversity in any basin after the Amazon and Congo. Sixty-two fish species are found nowhere else in the world. This river harbors more species of giant fish than any other as well as the largest freshwater fish known to science, the Mekong giant catfish. The basin is inhabited by the Irrawaddy Dolphin, the Mekong population of which is critically endangered. 

The Mekong River fishery is based on the annual wet season flood of its extensive floodplain, particularly the back flow of the river into the Tonle Sap Lake in Cambodia. 

The scale of this beneficial flooding is threatened by the present and potential impoundment of floodwaters behind 58 existing and 149 proposed large dams, and by roads in the floodplains. 

Despite the productivity of the Mekong, WWF reports, the threat of over-fishing is high because of the huge scale of subsistence fishing, the majority of which goes unrecorded, as well as poor fishing practices. 

People illegally use small-meshed mosquito nets, which catch juveniles as well as adult fish, electro-shock fish with car batteries, and increasingly over-harvest fish with poison, WWF reports. 

Salween, Nujiang or Nu River: Infrastructure, dams.
The Salween flows from the Tibetan Plateau adjacent to the Mekong and the Yangtze rivers, in the "Three Parallel Rivers” World Heritage area, at the epicentre of biodiversity in China. 

Dam construction poses the single greatest threat to the Salween River. China plans up to 13 large hydropower projects in a cascade that would transform the free-flowing river in upper basin into a series of channels and reservoirs. 

Shared by China, Thailand, and Myanmar, formerly Burma, six million people live in the Salween watershed. They share the watershed with 92 amphibian species, and 143 fish species of which 47 are found nowhere else in the world, and the world’s greatest diversity of turtles. 

The Salween delta and associated wetlands support populations of the unique fishing cat, the Asian small-clawed otter and the Siamese crocodile. The golden eye monkey, small panda, wild donkey of Dulong and wild ox still flourish in this basin. 

...Environment News Service
To access the report, "World's Top Rivers at Risk," click here.

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2007年03月11日 蘋果日報

抗暖化 歐盟允用核能
再生能源增至20% 方案備受爭議








註:★現行政策 ☆未來目標


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2007年02月03日 蘋果日報

聯國報告指控 美油廠懸33萬徵反證

【陳怡妏╱綜合外電報導】聯合國跨政府氣候變遷小組(Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change,簡稱IPCC)昨在巴黎公布前所未見的嚴厲報告,把造成地球暖化的罪魁禍首指向人類,警告未來天氣變化將更加劇烈,力促各國政府盡速制定政策解決暖化問題。 

聯合國環境規劃署署長史坦能(Achim Steiner)說:「人們應該記得在2007年2月2日這天,我們確定了人類是全球暖化真兇。」聯合國官員和環保團體都希望這份報告能促使美國等溫室氣體排放大國,採取行動降低排放量。



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2007年01月26日 蘋果日報

30年首見 壺口瀑布未冰封
全球暖化影響 臘月河水狂奔



據中新社報導,由於全球氣候異常,中國今年出現了南方多雪低溫,北部少雪偏暖的奇異景象,而陝西北部近來中午的平均溫度更是高達攝氏零度以上,造成位於陜西 、山西兩省交界處的黃河壺口瀑布遲遲未能進入冰封階段。氣象人員表示,這是30多年來,壺口瀑布第一次到了隆冬臘月卻仍波濤奔騰。



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