

諾獎得主 嚴厲警告 暖化恐滅絕1/3物種 
2100年升溫6.4℃ 南極冰融吞沒紐約上海

【李寧怡╱綜合外電報導】與美國前副總統高爾(Al Gore)同獲今年諾貝爾和平獎的聯合國跨政府氣候變遷小組(Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change,簡稱IPCC)昨天發表歷來措辭最強烈的報告,警告全球各國必須立刻針對氣候變遷採取行動,否則全球暖化將帶來「突然且無法挽回」的後果,導致地球上近1/3的物種滅絕。 



聯合國秘書長潘基文昨天在《國際前鋒論壇報》針對這份報告發表評論,稱人類若再不採取行動,將瀕臨「災難邊緣」。他特別指出南極一處岌岌可危的冰棚若真正融化,將導致海平面上升6公尺,淹沒紐約、上海等城市。世界自然基金會(World Wildlife Fund)的全球氣候變遷計劃主任維洛姆指這是IPCC歷來「最有力的報告」,其中呈現壓倒性的科學證據,「現在輪到政客接球了。」







The Straits Times

UN chief demands climate 'breakthrough' after key report 

VALENCIA (Spain) - UN chief Ban Ki Moon demanded that politicians next month smash the deadlock on tackling global warming, saying a report issued on Saturday by a Nobel-winning climate panel 'has set the stage for a real breakthrough.' 'We cannot afford to leave Bali without such a breakthrough,' the secretary general said, referring to a conference running on the Indonesian island from December 3-14, tasked with setting a strategy for deepening cuts in greenhouse-gas emissions.

Climate change, he warned, was the 'defining challenge of our age.' The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report 'contains one overarching message for all of us: that there are real and affordable ways to deal with climate change,' said Mr Ban.

He warned of the potential of 'catastrophe' from global warming.

The IPCC report unveiled in this Spanish city on Saturday said evidence of a human role in the warming of the planet was now 'unequivocal' and the effects on the climate system could be 'abrupt or irreversible.' Retreating glaciers and loss of snow in Alpine regions, thinning Arctic summer sea ice and thawing permafrost shows that climate change is already on the march, it said.

IPCC Chairman Rajendra Pachauri highlighted several alarming findings, pointing to the threat from rising sea levels that menaced small island nations and hundreds of millions of people living in low-lying deltas.

Mr Pachauri said the report - a guide to policymakers for years to come - implied a new moral imperative.

'We need a new ethic by which every human being realises the importance of the challenge we are facing and starts to take action through changes in lifestyle and attitude,' he said.

He added: 'Every country in the world has to be committed to a shared vision and a set of common goals and actions that will help us move toward a much lower level of emissions.

Green groups said the IPCC synthesis report, while containing no new science compared with three massive volumes issued earlier this year, had pushed home the dangers of warming more forcefully than in previous assessments.

'This is the strongest document the IPCC has produced,' said Mr Hans Verolme, director of the World Wide Fund for Nature's (WWF's) Global Climate Change Program.

During five days of negotiations, the United States repeatedly challenged passages emphasizing the level of threat posed by climate change, objecting that the wording was imprecise.

The 'scientific definition' of the dangers of climate change 'is lacking, and so we are operating within the construct of, again, strong agreement among world leaders that urgent action is warranted,' said Mr Jim Connaughton, chairman of White House's Council on Environmental Quality.

The United States is the only major developed economy that has refused to ratify the Kyoto Protocol, which requires industrialised countries to make targeted commitments on curbing their greenhouse gases.

The document, which boils down the IPCC's massive 3,000-page study into just 23 pages, is designed to guide politicians facing tough decisions on cutting pollution from fossil fuels, shifting to cleaner energy, bolstering defences against extreme weather, and other issues set to intensify due to climate change. -- AFP



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